Please share why you think publishing on only one platform is a good idea?
As a recovering ad agency owner, we would do everything we could to help our clients get ther products in front of as many consumers as possible. We didn't say "Hey, we think you should only sell your product in a Target store in Omaha". We worked to get their products picked up by every store that could carry them.
You should be taking your stories / poems to every platform avaialble to you. From Medium (which really is not a good platform for writers, interestingly enough) to Simile, to Linkedin, to various weekly newsletters, to Instagram and beyond.
Single channel propogation - ESPECIALLY one where you do not hold the deed (building your farm on someone else's land) is not a strong way to go.
BTW, are you submitting your work to every magazine that has not issued a "cease and desist" order against your work?