The Collective 2024: A Free Ebook

Every year, I put together a promotional piece to show off the work of Project 52 members and alumni.
This year, I made it big.
11x17 big.
It will be printed at Magcloud on their tabloid product.
And some of the members may purchase it, but it is not a moneymaker; it is an art collection.
And we give it away for free as a PDF. (see below)
Here are three random spreads. (I had to do a random selection because the work is so universally good, that I did not want to have to choose.)
So I want you to get your download below the images and enjoy the work of these marvelous photographers.

Download your copy here, and enjoy the work.
Check out the photographer’s websites; you will be pleasantly rewarded.
I stopped doing P52 last year. I needed a break, and things were changing.
I am rebooting it this summer.
I have rebuilt the assignments, added more contemporary challenges to them, and we will now tackle motion graphics, a bit of video, and, of course, the application of appropriate AI tools to make images that clients want, and we can be paid for.
The class is about creating a sustainable business as a photographer, and we aim to deliver.
More on the Reboot of P52 in upcoming issues.
Oh, and share this with any of your friends you think may like the book.

Hi, I’m Don Giannatti, a photographer and mentor for up-and-coming photographers. You can find me on my website, Don Giannatti, and at my Substack site, where I also publish for creative people. All subscribers to my Substack have access to a free, long-form workshop on the business of commercial and professional photography.